When was the last time you functioned at a high level, at your best, in the zone as they say?
Yes, you read that right: Success Assassins! They are the doubting, negative, we never did it that way before mental thoughts that we deal with. They can be quite subtle. These negative, risk-averse thoughts attack our intentions to do what we desire. And they are always lurking about. See if any of these thoughts sound […]
The importance of being well is a major factor in today’s world. Think of all the massive amounts of medicines and vitamins and supplements that are sold every year. Many make promises that have never been substantiated. It’s easy to purchase a product that does little or nothing to help a situation. There are, however, […]
Diamonds are incredibly valuable for one reason: There are so few of them. You are like a diamond. There’s only one of you on this planet.
Your life’s dream, your passion toward some purpose is very much like a garden. And a garden can only remain healthy just so long as it’s tended.
I know, I know, your friends, your sister, somebody will water your plants while you’re away. As they say, famous last words.
Many years ago, I had a client that managed large trade shows. The director I worked with was incredibly good at her job.
Am I getting enough sleep? A self-directed question when we feel low levels of energy.
Some people don’t do well with dentists, others with getting flu shots and still others with public speaking. I don’t do well in the kitchen.
When was the last time you were your best? Think about that. These were times when you felt nearly flawless, energized and most likely because you believed deeply in something, someone, or a situation.